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오래된 흔적/GPU

그래픽 카드별 사양 수준 설정하기 * vendor id와 device id를 통해서 enum화 시키던지 해서 각 게임별로 등급을 설정한다. * 참고 사이트 http://developer.amd.com/drivers/pc_vendor_id/pages/default.aspx http://developer.nvidia.com/object/device_ids.html http://www.cnbtech.co.kr/contents/whatslogo/vendorid.asp http://www.pcidatabase.com -> 킹왕짱!!
내 노트북 그래픽 카드에 관하여.. * Mobile Intel® 945GM/GU Express Chipset Family - Intel® Grphics Media Accelarator 950 사용
[DX] Video Memory Sampple Applications often need to know how much video memory is available on the system. This is often used to scale content to ensure that it fits in the allotted video memory without having to page from disk. Video Memory Classifications Video memory can fall into one of two buckets. The first is dedicated video memory. Dedicated video memory is available for exclusive use by the video hardware. Dedi..
Video Card * RAMDAC (Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter) is a combination of three fast DACs with a small SRAM used in computer graphics display adapters to stroe the colour palette and to generate the analog signals (usually a voltage amplitude) to drive a colour monitor.
PNG vs DDS 그것이 문제로다.. * http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/ * DXT Wikipedia * GPU DXT Decompression * DXTC: DXTC Examples and Technical Comparison * Unreal Texturing Guide * http://developer.nvidia.com/object/texture_tools.html Caution: a hardware bug in some nVidia chipsets, including the NV20 (GeForce3/Xbox), potentially makes certain DXT1 textures exhibit banding/ quantization artifacts. Specifically, decompression is ..
NVIDIA Shader Debugger http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_shader_debugger_home.html
분석해야할 카드 * ATI RADEON 9600 PRO * 스펙 http://ati.amd.com/products/radeon9600/radeon9600propcmac/specs.html http://ati.amd.com/products/radeon9600/radeon9600pro/specs.html * 9600 시리즈 비교 분석 http://ati.amd.com/products/radeon9600/radeon9600pro/compare.html * Performance Optimization Techniques http://ati.amd.com/developer/dx9/ATI-DX9_Optimization.pdf
용어들 * FB (Frame Buffer Unit) * ROP (Raster Operations Processors) * FSAA (Full Screen Anti Aliasing) Q8: What do these features called "Full-scene anti-aliasing (FSAA)" and "Anisotropic filtering" do? A8: Full-scene anti-aliasing (FSAA) is a sampling technique that creates more detailed and realistic looking images, by removing the stair stepping effect seen on the edges of objects within computer g..