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오래된 흔적/WEB Programming

가젯이 무엇일까요? (형사 가젯 절대아님 +_+)

What's In a Gadget?

The gadgets API consists of a few simple building blocks: XML, HTML, and JavaScript. To get started, all you need is a basic understanding of HTML. We will teach you all you need to know about XML to write gadgets. Later, as you write more sophisticated gadgets, you will probably want to learn some JavaScript if you're not familiar with it already.

XML is a general purpose markup language. It describes structured data in a way that both humans and computers can read and write.

XML is the language you use to write gadget specifications. A gadget is simply an XML file, placed somewhere on the internet where Google can find it. The XML file that specifies a gadget contains instructions on how to process and render the gadget. The XML file can contain all of the data and code for the gadget, or it can have references (URLs) for where to find the rest of the elements.

HTML is the markup language used to format pages on the internet. The static content of a gadget is typically written in HTML. HTML looks similar to XML, but it's used to format web documents rather than to describe structured data.

JavaScript is a scripting language you can use to add dynamic behavior to your gadgets.

Note: Gadgets were formerly called modules, which is why the word "Module" appears throughout the API. 

* 출처: 구글 코드



Gadget =  XML + HTML + JavaScript

XML : 가젯 스펙 정의 및 가젯과 관련된 모든 것을 적음.

HTML : 가젯의 스태틱한 컨텐트가 적혀지는 곳(?)

JavaScript : 가젯에다가 다이나믹한 기능을 부여함

Note : 가젯이 한때 모듈이라 불리어져서 API 전반적으로 "Module" 이란 단어를 사용함

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